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G.I. Film Festival

GIFF focuses on bringing many stories to light.
Feature and short films will debut in May at GIFF.
GI Film Festival is an important way for many to connect through fresh and new stories.

               A platform like GI Film Festival is needed to spread the message that many stories need to be told still. Very specific stories. GIFF is geared towards preserving certain legacies for veterans—which allows a larger platform and networking experience for writers, actors, and filmmakers. The transition from military service to becoming a civilian is a very specific path that is hard to navigate. GIFF allows a way to share stories about veterans and help veterans with accepting that transition specifically. 

"GIFF transcends the world of film festivals by creating a true community where passionate filmmakers, our veterans and those who support them can gather for a few magical days to educate, heal and preserve the legacies of our veterans."

                Producers, directors, actors, writers, filmmakers, etc. can all benefit largely from being involved with GIFF. GIFF is expanding the range of certain stories told, and by being a part of a film festival that allows a lot of people to come together for a certain story—it creates unity and allows positive change. 

                Many new films ranging from documentary to narrative shorts and feature films will be screened this year. The highlights are THE 2 SIDE PROJECTS directed by Anthony Istrico, and OPERATION ROUTE 66 by Kurt Geber. And so much more. I believe the core of this film festival relies on documentary and narratives. A real documented account of a story and someone's story told provides much more insight for veterans

             My goal is to connect and network with GIFF because I believe it is an important film festival that allows veterans an outlet to share their own stories. Sharing this film festival and helping it grow every day is encouraged for change. Sharing my own story is just as important as others sharing theirs. Others can connect with me through linking me to other film festivals, as well as even talking about screenwriting etc. 

  Film students, veterans, and anyone who enjoys stories about veterans must attend GIFF. GIFF is held in Washington D.C. from May 24-29th, 2017. 



  1. #GIFF2017 - GIFF2017 - GI Film Festival 2017 will be amazing. Thank you for this information sir.


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